ClikIT acquires Infinite Uploads & Big File Uploads

Today, ClikIT is announcing the acquisition of Infinite Uploads and the popular Big File Uploads plugin, a WordPress plugin that enables WordPress sites to offload their media libraries to the cloud and serve content through a content delivery network (CDN). Big File Uploads is used by over 100,000 WordPress websites and allows sites to bypass hosting limits by chunking file uploads.

ClikIT purchased the two plugins from UglyRobot, LLC, which also owns and operates DocsBot AI and is owned by Aaron Edwards, the former CTO at WPMU DEV. Aaron and I had been discussing the acquisition for a few months after I saw his post about it on X in March 2024. After my wife, my team, and I spent time thinking, praying, and working through the details, I felt confident enough to make an offer. Fortunately, Aaron and I met at WordCamp US in Portland, Oregon, to review the plugins and the deal in person, and a Letter of Intent was sent over. Never in a million years did I think I’d be making an offer to buy a company while sitting outside a Hyatt, sipping a Coke in Portland.

On a fun side note, I had the chance to do an escape room and tour a U.S. Navy submarine with Aaron, his wife, and some friends. I can’t speak for Aaron, but I know that experience really helped us get to know each other better.

I felt it was the right move for ClikIT. I knew Infinite Uploads was a solid product, given Aaron’s cloud architecture expertise. With web hosts not reducing storage and bandwidth costs, media files like pictures and videos only getting larger, and—most importantly—it being a tool every WordPress website can use, I saw its vast potential. It’s not overly niched, which means we aren’t limited in its application.

Why did ClikIT acquire Infinite Uploads?

As an agency, we’ve been deeply embedded in the WordPress ecosystem since 2017, working with amazing clients and managing around 200 websites. We’ve always believed Infinite Uploads was a great product, and with our fascination for cloud storage and technology, it felt like the perfect fit for us.

We’ve reached the next stage of our business: evolving into WordPress plugins and products. We’ve been searching for the right acquisition since December 2023, and nearly a year later, here we are. In the meantime, we’ve launched Secure Forms, a HIPAA-compliant and encrypted integration for Forminator forms, introduced Quick Sites, and reintroduced ClikIT Care with new features. It’s been a very busy year!

What about existing customers?

We’re committed to making this the smoothest transition in history. Existing customers will not notice any changes in billing, their portal, support emails, or even the description on their credit card statements. Much of the Infinite Uploads infrastructure was separate from UglyRobot’s other assets, meaning we didn’t need to decouple or migrate any data. The only noticeable change will be that support responses will now come from our team—and we’re dedicated to providing support that goes above and beyond.

What are our plans for Infinite Uploads?

Our short-term plans (over the next two months) will focus on business as usual while our team gets up to speed with the infrastructure. Starting at the beginning of the year, we’ll implement a mix of small and significant changes, including:

  • Reintroducing the affiliate program
  • Investing in the WordPress community
  • Increasing our presence within the WordPress community
  • Enhancing support response times and regularly updating documentation
  • Integrating Infinite Uploads into the ClikIT brand
  • Optimizing CDN caching by dynamically selecting whether a request should be cached based on file extension and MIME type, enabling seamless full-site acceleration
  • Implementing DRM management for video content

What’s Next?

This marks an important chapter for ClikIT, signaling a new era of growth and innovation for both companies. I’m excited to see where ClikIT can take Infinite Uploads, and our team is ready for the challenge. As outlined above, we have an extensive list of ideas and innovations for Infinite Uploads. We’re committed to creating something far beyond the standard offload media plugin—we’re going to make managing data simple and effortless.


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