When I install the plugin, it asks me if I want to share information with you. Why should I do this?

1 min read

We use Freemius to be our merchant of record, where they are responsible for processing the payments, licensing, upgrades, refunds, and more. As part of the services they offer, they make it easier for us to receive diagnostic data & overall data on the sites our plugins are installed on.

When setting up the plugin, you are asked to opt in (displayed as Allow & Continue) or skip.

If you skip, your plugin will work as expected, with no issues. We do advise that should you wish to upgrade Secure Forms in the future, a manual installation of the paid plugin zip file will be required.

If you opt in, here is the data we get:

  1. View Basic Profile Info – Your WordPress user’s: first & last name, and email address
  2. View Basic Website Info – Homepage URL & title, WP & PHP versions, and site language
  3. View Basic plugin Info – Current plugin & SDK versions, and if active or uninstalled
  4. View Plugins & Themes List – Names, slugs, versions, and if active or not

For more information, please read Freemius’s documentation.

Do they get access to any of my form data? #

Under no circumstance do they ever have any access to your secure form data. They do not handle this part, and our API keys are separate from their system and ours.

Updated on November 11, 2024
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