ClikIT WordPress Maintenance Service: Keeping Your Website Secure and Efficient

by | Dec 5, 2023

In today’s digital era, your website is more than just an online presence; it’s a vital asset to your business. With an uptrend in website malware, as reported by Wordfence, the importance of maintaining your website’s health and security cannot be overstated. At ClikIT, we offer comprehensive WordPress Maintenance Packages designed to keep your site secure, updated, and running at peak performance.

Key Features of Our Maintenance Packages:

  1. Weekly Updates: Stay ahead of the curve with our weekly updates for themes, plugins, and WordPress core. These updates ensure your site is equipped with the latest features and security patches, reducing the risk of vulnerabilities.
  2. Proactive Maintenance: Our team of skilled WordPress developers is committed to proactive maintenance. We identify and address potential issues before they become significant, keeping your site running without interruptions.
  3. Security Monitoring: In an age where website malware is on the rise, our security monitoring is more crucial than ever. We employ the latest tools and techniques to safeguard your site against emerging threats.
  4. Backups: Our system creates daily backups of your site which are encrypted with 256AES and uploaded securely to a data center in the USA. In case of a disaster, we can restore your site from these backups with ease, regardless of hosting. 
  5. Uptime Monitoring: We provide 24/7-website monitoring services to ensure your site’s uptime. If any downtime is detected, an alert is immediately sent to one of our developers, triggering a series of actions. This ensures that your website stays up smoothly. 
  6. Basic On-Page SEO Monitoring: Our service provides ongoing monitoring of your website’s SEO practices to ensure optimal performance, with necessary improvements made when required. 
  7. Monthly Reports: Receive monthly reports on your dashboard to monitor your website’s performance, such as uptime, SEO scores, plugin updates, and security measures implemented by our team. Our team will provide comprehensive reports every month.
  8. Cost Controls: Finding a developer who does security monitoring, uptime monitoring, backups, update the plugins and themes and verify everything is functional can cost an upward of $500 a month! With our maintenance plan, get them all for one low price. 

Why do you need a Maintenance Plan from ClikIT? 

Recent industry insights, including data from Wordfence, a leader in digital security, reveal a substantial increase in various online threats, ranging from malware attacks to sophisticated cyber vulnerabilities. These challenges are not only becoming more frequent but also more complex in nature. Such trends highlight the critical need for comprehensive digital maintenance and management strategies. By choosing our services, you’re not just opting for maintenance; you’re securing a multi-faceted peace of mind. ClikIT offerings go beyond advanced malware prevention. We provide a robust backup and update system, ensuring your site operates securely and efficiently while harnessing the latest features and advancements. Our holistic approach ensures your digital assets are well-protected, optimized, and primed for success.

Choose ClikIT for Your WordPress Maintenance:

We understand the importance of keeping your website secure, efficient, and ahead of technological advancements. The ClikIT WordPress Maintenance Packages are tailored to provide comprehensive care for your website.

Written By Blake Whittle

Owner of ClikIT, Blake has been involved in WordPress since 2014. Once designer & developer, now he manages the team at ClikIT and provides project management & strategic vision to their clients. Now, he's leading the change at ClikIT to become a plugin company.

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